Metsu - As The Earth Drinks 2011

Short interview with metsu after the jump.

*"as the earth drinks" was self recorded/mixed/mastered in a basement. what about next release? self recorded or will try to sign with record label?At the moment, we're not quite sure if we would record and mix it ourselves again (though we lean towards doing it, as there is a lot of creative control lost to a producer). However, we most definitely would like to let someone else master it, as it is a time-consuming process where creative input really doesn't apply. We have nothing against being signed to a label, but we just haven't gone out of our way to try to sign with one, mostly because we're quite fine as it is. However, if a label like Hydrahead asked us out of the blue, our answer might be a little different, haha!

*why did you choose to play post-metal/math-rock/sludge metal/stoner metal?
We pooled our thoughts on this question, and it really wasn't a conscientious decision. It happened to be the musical style that we expressed our thoughts and feelings through. Brutal and heavy at points, soft and churning at others. Our music came about in a very spontaneous and natural way, our songs grew by a process of "jamming" with each other for hours on end, re-editing parts of songs until we were satisfied. All in all, we tend to be very open-minded with each other when it comes to composition; we always make an attempt at incorporating an idea or utilizing it in some form before turning it down, and even then we usually have it in "storage" in case we want it for something else.

*who is someone who you’re interested to see performing live?
Paul Adam Barmak (Bassist): Tool.
Michael Churilov (Guitarist): Strapping Young Lad, when they were still together...
Stefan Ho (Guitarist): I'd love to see Joanna Newsom or Radiohead, but at the moment Joanna Newsom a little more.
Drummer (Drummer): Honestly, I can think of a bunch of people/bands I would like to see, something like World's End Girlfriend or Glenn Gould back in the day would be great. Yet, I would turn down almost any show if Aphex Twin would just release another fucking album already. It's been like 10 years since the last release by his main pseudonym and that dude is like "Ya bro, I totes got 6 albums sitting around, just waiting to be released". Like, motherfucker what are you doing, stop mocking us and put something out. Yeah!

metsu & archiv hate.

bandcamp: metsu | support at bandcamp


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