MnttaB - hastingsBeach EP 2011

Short interview with mnttaB after the jump.

*what about band name - mnttaB?
Err its part of a unix operating system, but the problem is only system admins know how to pronounce it ("Mount-Tab"). The capital B at the end makes it look sort of wrong and unbalanced, much like the tunes I guess.

*ABC live track (#5) from the hastingbeach EP - do people explode?Well in bushfire prone Victoria we have to mindful of the fire bans so spontaneous combustion is sort of frowned upon.
We are playing a festival/party next week called "Paddock Bash", its in a field in the country so should be intense. Weve had a couple of rehearsals but since we are on at 2:30 am realistically anyne left standing will be subjected to REALLY drunken, sub-MilliVanilli miming during an extreme karaoke/airguitar display of agressive insolence.

*who is someone who you’re interested to see performing live?
Looking forward to Death Grips when they are over, and the Little Ugly Girls/Nation Blue show this weekend. But theres always stuff going on in Melbourne even if you dont expect it.

mnttab & archiv hate.

bandcamp: mnttaB | support at bandcamp or link

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