Young Hunter - Children Of a Hungry World 2011

Short interview with young hunter after the jump.

Q. How and when did young hunter start?
Young Hunter started in January 2011. For a long time, I had wanted to create something like it. Julia DeConcini (vocals, keyboard) and I had been playing simple folk music for a few years, and wanted to grow into something larger, and explore new territory. Andrew Collberg (drums) was there from the beginning, as was Michael Huerta (bass), and we spent six months honing our ideas, learning how to play together, and finding the right people to complete the band. It took time, but everyone came together quite magically and synchronistically. They are: Jeremy Edwards (guitar), Mike Barnett (guitar), and Adan Martinez-Key (drums). It's a big band.

Q. Do you have definite plans for the next few years?
We want to do the things that most new bands do- make a full length record, release it ourselves, and tour as much as we can before gasoline costs ten dollars a gallon.

Q. What makes young hunter so good?
This is an incredibly rich moment in history for music. It is more free than it has ever been, and there are so many amazing bands/artists out there, past and present, easily available to anyone with a computer. For a person interested in music, there is so much to soak up and draw from. Yet, at the same time, we've never been more disconnected from the planet we live on, and the ecological systems we inhabit. There is a terrifying rift deep in the heart of humanity, and it's symptoms seem to be coming closer to a head every day. These two factors compose a large part of what we do.

Or, maybe you just like dual guitar harmonies? I do.

Q. What band do you wish you had most seen?
This is a really tough question. Speaking for myself, I sure would have liked to have been at one of Kyuss' generator parties out in Joshua Tree. Or have seen early Black Sabbath. I think as a band, the consensus would probably be the Talking Heads, though.

young hunter & archiv hate.

bandcamp: young hunter
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