Ommadon - st 2016

"This is not entertainment. This is not easy listening. Ommadon is pure and primitive heaviness. Ommadon is the outcast, the fallen angel, the darkness. Ommadon is the darkness which we are told to fear, to avert our eyes and cower from, to candy coat the suffering, the decay, and the death which give life meaning.."

bandcamp: ommadon | support at bandcamp

..Ommadon is the intolerable agony, the paralysing misery, and the stifling alienation, which make us who we are.

Ommadon does not submit to the simplification of the horror and the beauty of existence into a world of positivity and negativity where we feel nothing but simulations of what happiness could be like or terror that sadness may disrupt our mass stupor. Ommadon embraces the dark, not as a manufactured rebellion or infantile inversion of stories of good and evil to which we must submit ourselves. Ommadon allows us to reinvent ourselves by destroying what we believe we hold dear but which only slows our steps. Ommadon is for those who know that in fearing death, one fears life, sleepwalking through life, waiting to die.

Ommadon is for those who know that only in facing and loving death can you live freely. Ommadon is the world and the world is Ommadon.

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